March 7th | Stephanie L. Kaplan, DDS
What Is Gum Recession?
A blog by Brittney, our hygienist:
What is gum recession? Often times I find myself asking patients if they brush aggressively. Most patients stop to think and then realize that they do “scrub” when brushing. Scrubbing too aggressively can cause the gums to recess, or pull back from the tooth. Recession is the loss of the pink gum tissue that surrounds the tooth. When this tissue pulls away from the tooth, the root surface is exposed. The root surface is a lot thinner than enamel, therefore more susceptible to develop a cavity. Loss of the gum tissue is irreversible. If further treatment is needed, we will work together to treat it.
A question that I often ask my patients is what type of toothbrush they are using. Whether it be a soft, medium, or hard brush, most patients are unaware there is even a difference. A soft bristle brush will allow the bristles to flex nicely when brushing the teeth, while medium or hard bristled brushes will be too abrasive on the gums. When I see patients with gum recession I always recommend a Phillips Sonicare toothbrush. Not only does the brush help prevent aggressive brushing but also leaves you with a “just left the dentist” clean feeling .
As your dental hygienist, I will monitor your recession on a routine basis during your hygiene appointments. I am confident that we will work together to keep your mouth as healthy as it can be! Ask me how you can start using a Sonicare today!